WCSWE is a statewide association of social work faculty and others committed to the purposes of social work education for the preparation of baccalaureate and masters level practitioners and for future social work educators and scholars. Interests of the organization focus on leadership and advocacy that promotes social work education and social justice in Wisconsin and range from: Networking between social work programs; exploring educational policy issues, trends in curriculum development and fostering curriculum exchange; promoting linkages with social work organizations and entities that affect social work education (e.g., NASW, licensing boards and other credentialing organizations; monitoring employment opportunities and availability for graduating students.

Membership is open to any individual (social work educator from a CSWE accredited program or a program in pre-accreditation candidacy), social work student, social work practitioner, or retired regular member) who is interested in social work education and is in agreement with the purposes of the organization. The membership year shall follow the academic calendar and extend from September 1 of the current year to August 31 of the following year. Individuals may choose whichever category of membership applies to them.
